DEADFACE CTF — Dead_Browse 1 Reverse Engineering Challenge Write-Up

7 min readOct 20, 2024


Challenge Description:

DEADFACE has created a custom browser called dead_browse that interacts with a specific website:

Our goal is to reverse engineer the dead_browse binary to discover how it communicates with the server and retrieve the hidden flag.

Step 1: Initial Reconnaissance

First after downloading the zip and extracting it, I ran file command to check the type of the binary. As we can see, it’s a 64 bit linux executable.

Then i check specifically for any strings with auth to see if the auth key is hard coded in the binary. That wasnt the case as we can see.

Step 2: Dynamic Analysis

Running the binary directly results in an error due to my kali linux not being able to install libwebkit2gtk.

FROM ubuntu:22.04

RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 curl && \
apt-get clean

COPY dead_browse /usr/local/bin/

CMD ["/usr/local/bin/dead_browse", "--url=", "--auth-key=;XImq]gny9m}#OT#O*o#v#"]

There fore i created a dockerfile with the code above to try and run it. But it shows Error {Bad_auth_key} and that’s when i figured out that i need to get the auth_key from the binary by reverse engineering it.

Step 3: Reverse Engineering with Ghidra

void FUN_00102b0c(char *param_1)

int iVar1;
size_t sVar2;
size_t sVar3;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
undefined8 local_56;
undefined4 local_4e;
undefined2 local_4a;
undefined8 local_48;
undefined8 local_40;
undefined8 local_38;
undefined4 local_30;
undefined local_2c;
long local_20;

local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
local_48 = 0x5621161e143e150b;
local_40 = 0xd54144a0e462c26;
local_38 = 0x463b471620501340;
local_30 = 0x4011609;
local_2c = 0;
local_56 = 0x65726365735f796d;
local_4e = 0x656b5f74;
local_4a = 0x79;
puts("Checking user key...");
sVar2 = strlen((char *)&local_56);
sVar3 = strlen(param_1);
iVar1 = strcmp((char *)&local_48,param_1);
if (iVar1 == 0) {
printf("good key");
if (local_20 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

Analyzing the binary in Ghidra for diassembly and decompilation gave us an interesting function that is handling the auth_key processing.

  • The function receives param_1, which is the user-provided auth-key.
  • There are hardcoded data blocks (local_48, local_40, etc.) that collectively form the encrypted_data.
  • There is also a hardcoded key (local_56, local_4e, local_4a) that we'll refer to as key_data.
  • The function computes the lengths of the key_data and the user-provided auth-key.
  • It then calls FUN_00102aa1 to perform a transformation (XOR operation) on the auth-key.
  • Finally, it compares the transformed auth-key with the encrypted_data using strcmp .

XOR Function FUN_00102aal performs an XOR operation between the user input and the key.

From the code, we can deduce:


  • param_1: Pointer to the user-provided auth-key.
  • param_2: Pointer to the key_data.
  • param_3: Length of the auth-key.
  • param_4: Length of the key_data.


  • The function FUN_00102aa1 modifies the user-provided auth-key in place by XORing each byte with the corresponding byte from the key_data.
  • The key is applied cyclically if the auth-key is longer than the key_data.


  • The transformed auth-key is then compared to the encrypted_data using strcmp.
  • If they match, the program outputs “good key”.


Our goal is to reverse this process to find the original auth-key that, when XORed with the key_data, results in the encrypted_data.

Extracting the Hardcoded Data

To reverse engineer the auth-key, we need to extract both the encrypted_data and the key_data from the binary.

Encrypted Data (encrypted_data)

The encrypted_data consists of several variables:

  1. local_48: 0x5621161e143e150b
  2. local_40: 0x0d54144a0e462c26
  3. local_38: 0x463b471620501340
  4. local_30: 0x04011609
  5. local_2c: 0x00

Combined Encrypted Data:

  • We need to extract the bytes from these variables and concatenate them to form the complete encrypted_data.
  • Since the variables are multi-byte numbers, we have to consider endianness. On little-endian systems, the least significant byte comes first.

Key Data (key_data)

The key_data is formed by:

  1. local_56: 0x65726365735f796d
  2. local_4e: 0x656b5f74
  3. local_4a: 0x79

Combined Key Data:

  • Similarly, we extract the bytes from these variables and concatenate them to form the full key.
  • The key is likely a string in ASCII when interpreted correctly.

Converting Hexadecimal Values to Bytes

To work with the data in our script, we need to:

  • Convert the hexadecimal values to bytes.
  • Reverse the bytes if necessary (due to endianness).
  • Combine the bytes to form the encrypted_data and key_data.

Endianness Consideration

  • The values in the code are stored in little-endian format.
  • For example, the value 0x65726365735f796d in little-endian corresponds to the bytes [6d,79,5f,73,65,63,72,65].
  • When reversed, this gives us the ASCII string 'my_secret'.

Extracting Encrypted Data Bytes

Let’s extract the bytes from the encrypted_data variables:

local_48 (0x5621161e143e150b):

  • Hexadecimal string: 0x5621161e143e150b
  • Remove 0x and pad to 16 characters: 5621161e143e150b
  • Convert to bytes: [0x56, 0x21, 0x16, 0x1e, 0x14, 0x3e, 0x15, 0x0b]
  • Reverse bytes for little-endian: [0x0b, 0x15, 0x3e, 0x14, 0x1e, 0x16, 0x21, 0x56]

Repeat for other variables (local_40, local_38, local_30, local_2c).

Extracting Key Data Bytes

Similarly, extract bytes from the key_data variables:

local_56 (0x65726365735f796d):

  • Hexadecimal string: 0x65726365735f796d
  • Remove 0x and pad: 65726365735f796d
  • Convert to bytes: [0x65, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x5f, 0x79, 0x6d]
  • Reverse bytes: [0x6d, 0x79, 0x5f, 0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x72, 0x65]
  • This corresponds to ASCII characters: my_secret

local_4e (0x656b5f74):

  • Hexadecimal string: 0x656b5f74
  • Remove 0x and pad: 656b5f74
  • Convert to bytes: [0x65, 0x6b, 0x5f, 0x74]
  • Reverse bytes: [0x74, 0x5f, 0x6b, 0x65]
  • ASCII: t_ke

local_4a (0x79):

  • Hexadecimal string: 0x79
  • Remove 0x: 79
  • Convert to bytes: [0x79]
  • ASCII: y

Combined Key Data Bytes:

  • Concatenate the bytes: my_secret + t_ke + y => my_secrett_key

Understanding the XOR Reversal

Since the XOR operation is its own inverse, we can reverse the transformation by applying the same XOR operation between the encrypted_data and the key_data.


  • Original Byte = Encrypted Byte XOR Key Byte

Implementation Steps:

Prepare the Data:

  • Ensure that both the encrypted_data and key_data are in byte arrays.
  • The key_data may be shorter than the encrypted_data; we use modulo operation to cycle through the key.

Perform XOR Operation:

  • For each index i in the range of the length of the encrypted_data:
  • original_byte[i] = encrypted_byte[i] ^ key_byte[i % key_length]

Collect the Result:

  • Store the original_byte values in a byte array.

Reconstructing the Original auth-key

After performing the reversed XOR operation, the resulting byte array should represent the original auth-key.

Interpreting the Result:

  • Convert the byte array to a string using UTF-8 decoding.
  • Verify if the string makes sense (e.g., readable ASCII characters).

Validating the Result

To ensure the correctness of our reverse-engineered auth-key, we can:

  • Compare the length of the recovered auth-key with the length of the encrypted_data.
  • Verify that the XOR of the recovered auth-key and the key_data matches the encrypted_data.

The final python script:

# Given hexadecimal values
local_48_hex = '0x5621161e143e150b'
local_40_hex = '0x0d54144a0e462c26'
local_38_hex = '0x463b471620501340'
local_30_hex = '0x04011609'
local_2c_hex = '0x00'

local_56_hex = '0x65726365735f796d'
local_4e_hex = '0x656b5f74'
local_4a_hex = '0x79'

import struct

def hex_to_bytes(hex_str, length):
# Remove '0x' and pad the hex string to the required length
hex_str = hex_str[2:].zfill(length * 2)
# Convert hex string to bytes (assuming little-endian format)
return bytes.fromhex(hex_str)[::-1]

# Extract bytes from the given values (assuming little-endian format)
local_48_bytes = hex_to_bytes(local_48_hex, 8)
local_40_bytes = hex_to_bytes(local_40_hex, 8)
local_38_bytes = hex_to_bytes(local_38_hex, 8)
local_30_bytes = hex_to_bytes(local_30_hex, 4)
local_2c_bytes = hex_to_bytes(local_2c_hex, 1)

# Combine the encrypted data bytes
encrypted_data = (
local_48_bytes +
local_40_bytes +
local_38_bytes +
local_30_bytes +

# Extract bytes for the key
local_56_bytes = hex_to_bytes(local_56_hex, 8)
local_4e_bytes = hex_to_bytes(local_4e_hex, 4)
local_4a_bytes = hex_to_bytes(local_4a_hex, 1)

# Combine the key bytes
key_bytes = local_56_bytes + local_4e_bytes + local_4a_bytes

# Calculate the length of the key
key_length = len(key_bytes)

# Reverse the XOR operation to recover param_1
param_1_bytes = bytearray()

for i in range(len(encrypted_data)):
key_byte = key_bytes[i % key_length]
decrypted_byte = encrypted_data[i] ^ key_byte

# Output the result
print("Recovered param_1 bytes:", param_1_bytes)
print("Recovered param_1 in hex:", param_1_bytes.hex())


By reverse engineering the dead_browse binary and analyzing the XOR operation, we successfully recovered the auth-key needed to interact with the server and retrieve the flag.

Lessons Learned

  • Reverse Engineering Skills: Understanding how to analyze binaries and interpret assembly code is crucial.
  • XOR Operations: Recognizing and reversing XOR encryption is a common task in reverse engineering challenges.
  • Dynamic vs. Static Analysis: When dynamic analysis is impractical, static analysis can provide the necessary insights.
  • Scripting: Writing custom scripts (in Python, for example) is invaluable for automating the reversal of encryption or encoding schemes.

Final Notes

This challenge was an excellent exercise in reverse engineering and problem-solving. By methodically analyzing the binary and applying our knowledge of encryption techniques, we were able to uncover the necessary information to retrieve the flag without needing to execute the binary.

Feel free to use this write-up as a guide for similar challenges or to understand the steps involved in reversing a simple XOR-based encryption scheme.




Written by 0xƒlux

Aspiring reverse engineer and AI Developer

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